The Longsword Framework
I believe that any Weapon Discipline in HEMA, which is analyzed and then systematized, with the aim of being taught to others, to train them to fight with that Weapon, should include at least the following topics, both in the Conceptual Framework formulated for that Weapon, as well as in the Curriculum that is actually taught in the club's salle.
*Fencer in black gear, in photos below: Cosmin Velea.
How to Grip the Longsword
An article about the main grips (hand shapes) that you can use for your Main Hand (Dominant Hand), as well as details regarding the Off Hand (Non-Dominant Hand), when fighting with the Longsword.
Basic Biomechanics for the Longsword
Everything you need to know about using your entire body to fight with the Longsword. Including (Posture, Stance, Basic Footwork, Power Generation etc.).
Phases of the Fight and Correlated Modern Distances
The Liechtenauer tradition describes specific phases that a fight goes through (Zufechten, Krieg, Ringen and Abzug), but no specific Distances in which these phases take place and techniques are performed. This article is my attempt to associate some modernly defined Distances to each phase.
Timing, Initiative and Threat
The concepts of Vor, Nach and Indes are critical and integral to the Liechtenauer tradition. In this article I present my interpretation of them, especially what I consider to be the difference between Nach and Indes, that I often see being poorly understood.
Threat Analysis for KdF Longsword
In this article I define three threat levels (Direct Threat, Pending Threat and No Threat), that can be ascribed to any Longsword Action based on Distance and context.
Defense with the Longsword
I present here what I hope is an exhaustive analysis of all the defensive Actions and techniques that you can perform with a Longsword, as well as their prerequisites and subcomponents.

Offense with the Longsword
I present here what I hope is an exhaustive analysis of all the offensive Actions and techniques that you can perform with a Longsword, as well as their prerequisites and subcomponents.
A Practical Analysis of Fuhlen and Some Drills to Train It
Fuhlen (Feeling) is another critical and integral part of the Liechtenauer tradition. In this article I talk about what it is and give some simple drills to start working with it.

Longsword Tactics to
Minimize Risk
Once you have a sufficiently large repertoire of techniques (or you might even know all of the techniques), Tactics become the most important part of your game as a fencer. How and when do you apply the techniques to win? And most importantly, if you were fighting with sharps, how and when do you apply the techniques so that you can hit and not be hit?